PART (1)
1. James Watt Road & Cooke Road, Benin City
2. 3 Nos Airport security watch towers, Benin City
3. Abudu Township Roads (Vegetation control, Desalting and Cleaning)
4. Akpofa/Nwaka Road, off 2nd Ugbor
5. Ayanyor Omoigui Street, off 2nd Ugbor Road
6. Capacity Building of 500 Primary Healthcare Workers
7. Chief Alonge Avenue, off Vincent Agenmomen Avenue, GRA, Benin City
8. Construction and furnishing of Edo State Chief Judge residential complex,
9. Central Road, GRA, Benin City, Edo State
10. Construction of a solar powered borehole with a stanchion tank and engine room at Emokpae Primary School, Benin City
11. Construction of Central Hospital 200 Bed in-patient ward/accident and emergency ward, Benin City
12. Construction of Computer Braille Centre at Aruosa Street, Benin City
13. Construction of Evbuokuden Community Health Centre
14. Construction of industrial boreholes at Okua, Irue Nowina and Okpebor Communities
15. Construction of Lucky Way
16. Construction of Model Secondary School at New Era College, Benin City
17. Construction of six blocks of 12 open stalls and 12 lock-up stalls at Ekae Market.
18. Construction of the Lassa Fever Centre at Stella Obasanjo Hospital
19. Construction of three classroom block at Ugogogin Community Primary School
20. Construction of three classroom block at Uholor Community
21. Construction of town hall at Evbuokuden Community
22. Construction/Renovation of Oba Ovoranmwen recreational park.
23. Cooke Road, Benin City (Asphalt Overlay)
24. Cooke Road, Benin City (Drainage Construction)
25. Digitalization of revenue collection.
26. Dualization of TV Road/Ehaekpen Road (LOT1)
27. EDOJOBS empowered 50 youth on Automobile Repairs with apprenticeship and job placement across Oredo LGA and others
28. EDOJOBS empowered youth with bee keeping starter packs
29. EDOJOBS set up ICT Satellite center
30. EDOJOBS trained 103 youths on Cosmetology
31. EDOJOBS trained 173 youth on Web Design, Development and Maintenance across Oredo L.G and others
32. EDOJOBS trained 200 youths on Solar panel installation and maintenance
33. EDOJOBS trained 671 youth on bee keeping, poultry farming and soilless farming
34. EDOJOBS trained youth on Waste Recycling with an option for immediate employment across Oredo LG and others
35. EDOJOBS trained youth on wood work and Furniture making with an option for immediate employment
36. EDOJOBS trained youths in Oredo on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence across
37. Edosomwan Joseph Street/Osaruese Street, Iyekogba
38. Education Management Information System (EMIS), supply of furniture
39. Ekikhalo Edosonmwan Avenue, off Ugbor Road
40. Enactment of the State Health Insurance Law
41. Enogie Road, off Sapele Road, Etete from chainage 00m to chainage 715m
42. Enogie Road, off Sapele Road, Etete from chainage 715m to chainage 1430m
43. Esigie Road, off Ekenwan Road
44. Establishment of Edo State Health Insurance Commission
45. Establishment of Edo State Primary Healthcare Development Agency
46. Establishment of Isolation Center at Stella Obasanjo Hospital
47. Evbiemwen Road, Benin City (Asphalt Overlay)
48. Evbiemwen Road, Benin City (Asphalt Overlay)
49. Evbuomwan/Nesta Street, off Irhinrin Benin City
50. Gbadamosi Avenue, off Nosa Edugie Road, Ugbor
51. Giwamu Street, Oko Central, Gapiona, Jemide/Akhionbare Road, 1st Ugbor Road, 2nd Ugbor Road, Etete/Guobadia, Ikpokpan, Omoruyi (LOT2)
52. Igbinosa Street, off Irhinrhin, Airport Road, Benin City
53. Imuetinyan Street, between St. Stephen and 3rd, Benin City
54. Installation of wireless connectivity for Edo State House of Assembly.
55. Introduction of Measles Containing Vaccine (MCV2)
56. Isiwe Street off Forestry, Benin City
57. Iyekogbe Housing Estate
58. James Watt Road, Benin City (Asphalt Overlay)
59. James Watt Road, Benin City (Drainage Construction)
60. Justin Okonoboh Drive off Solomon Eghianruwa, off Edosomwan Street Ugbor, Benin City
61. St. Maria Gorreti – Dumez Road (Spots improvement/Cleaning)
62. Miller to Ogunweyin Road, Ugbor
63. National Open University Road, off Ekenhuan Road, Benin City
64. Nneka Street, off Ugbor Road, Benin City
65. Nosa Edugie Avenue, Ugbor Road
66. NYSC Zonal Office Road, off Edo – Osagie Road, GRA, Benin City (Asphalt overlay with Kerbs)
67. NYSC permanent orientation camp at Okada, Benin City, Edo State
68. Ofumwengbe Street between Iwehen and 2nd Ibiwe Road, Benin City
69. Ogbe Ibuya
70. Ogbelaka Street, Benin City (Part Drainage and spot improvement)
71. Ogbor Community Road, Oko Central
72. Ogene Street between Second and Third East Circular, Benin City
73. Oguola Street, off Okada Avenue
74. Okaeben Street, off James Watt Road, Benin City
75. Concrete /Drain Construction at Oliha Street off Sapele Road, Benin City
76. Opening of Infectious Disease Molecular Lab at Edo Specialist Hospital
77. Osaguona Street to Green House (Drainage/Asphalt overlay)
78. Ovonramwen Street, btw Igun and Akpakpava, Benin City (Drainage and Asphalt Overlay)
79. Ovoranmwen Street, between Igun and Old Western Road Benin CityOye Street, off Baba Naira & Anthony Iyamu Street
80. Polio Eradication Certification
81. Prisons – Ohuoba Street Road, off Sapele Road, Benin City
82. Provision and Installation of Dual-Arm Led Street Lights on 2nd East Circular Road
83. Provision of 150 three-seater desk for pupils
84. Provision of Meningitis Vaccine for children 15-23 months
85. Purchase and Installation of 30 Nos Light Poles and Its accompanying Accessories
86. Purchase of scanners across MDA’s for a consistent and structured archive of document.
87. Reactivation/Renovation of Skill Acquisition Centres at Ugbor Village and Sapele Road with over 400 trainees in session
88. Reconstruction of High Court Internal Roads, James Watt Road & Idahosa Street
89. Reconstruction of Industrial Court building, GRA, Benin City
90. Redemption Drive, by Winners Chapel, Sapele Road, Benin City
91. Rehabilitation of Evbuodia Primary Healthcare Center
92. Rehabilitation of Failed portions across Oredo
93. Rehabilitation of Roads – Ekehuan Axis I (Rehabilitation of Ekehuan Road)
94. Remodeling works at the Oba palace Benin City
95. Renovation & Furbishing of Edo State Primary Healthcare Development Agency
96. Renovation and Activation of the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
97. Renovation and Service Activation of Edo Specialist Hospital
98. Renovation of Edo State Civil Service Commission Building complex, Sapele Road, Benin City
99. Renovation of Ethiope Ground Floor Building (Pension House)
100. Renovation of Primary Healthcare Centre
101. Renovation of some warehouses at Edo State Medical Stores
102. Renovation of Ugbor Primary Healthcare Centre
103. Renovation/Construction of Magistrate Court Iwebo Street, Benin City.
104. Reuben Agho Street, Benin City (Asphalt overlay)
105. Reuben Agho Street, Benin City (Laterite Filling, Drain and Culvert Construction)
106. Road beside St. Philomena Catholic Hospital
107. Setup Edo Innovation hub – the largest cluster of hubs in the country. The hub has collaborated with National and International partners such as
108. Amazon, Google Africa, Curators University, LinkedIn, CADD center, GIZ, Oxfam International, HPLife, Center for women development, Facebook, GidiMobile etc. to deliver ICT skills training, solutions and connecting beneficiaries to jobs in the IT sector
109. Supply & Installation of Single Arm Led Street Lights along Ezoti, Aideyan & the Refurbishing of Government House Street Lights
110. Training of 7,000 Healthcare Workers on Infection and Prevention Control
111. Ugbor Road, Benin City (Double Box Culvert/Trapezoidal drain/filling and compaction of road section with stone base)
112. Unueru Street, off Sakponba
113. Zakawanu Garuba Road, Iyekogba Estate
114. Asphalt Overly at Omoghan Dandy Street, Air Port Road, Benin City
115. Asphalt Overly at Omoruyi/Osaobomwen Street, off Isiohor, Benin City
116. Rehabilitation of Failed Portion of Road at 1st Ugbor, Benin City, Edo State
117. Asphalt Overly at Amos Igbinovia/Osayende Street, off Ugbor Road, Benin City
118. Construction of Conctete Drain/Asphalt Overlay at Oye Street, off Eweka, New Benin, Benin City, Edo State
119. Road Surface Marking with Thermoplastic Paint at James Watt Road and Cooke Road, Benin City, Edo State.
120. Asphalt Overly at Iguodale Street, off M.M.Way (400m) & One Adjoining Road; Chief Ossai Junction, off 1st Ugbor (45m) Benin City, Edo State.
121. Asphalt Overly at Iyahen Street (220m), off Maria Goretti Road and Two Adjoining Street; Ogunmosun Street (210m) & Uwa Street (210m), Benin City, Edo State.
122. Asphalt Overlay/Kerbs at Akioya Street, off Akhiobare Road, G.R.A at Afe-Miracle Road, off Ikpokpan G.R.A Benin City/Eweka Street off Upper Lawani Streetasphalt Overlay/Kerbs/Desiltation of Concrete Lined Drain/Section of The Carriage Way.
123. Asphalt Overlay/Kerbs/Drainage Construction at Lucky Way Street off Ugbor Road/Iyobanosa Road, off 2nd West Circular Road.
124. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Unueru Street Linking 1st East Circular/Asoro Street and Mountain of Fire Road, off Honey G Road, off Air Port Road
125. Asphalt Overlay at Benson Idahosa University Road, Ugbor
126. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction/Kerb at Obasuyi Street, off Tony Kabaka Road, Ugbor
127. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction at Osayande Ize Iyamu Street, Ugbor, G.R.A, Benin City
128. Rehabilitation at Erhunmwunse Street, off Ekenwan Road
129. Rehabilitation at 2nd Agho Street, off Ekenwan Road
130. Rehabilitation at Agho Street off Ekenwan Road,
131. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Osaro Idah Avenue/Chief Odua Avenue/Ameowie, Ugbor
132. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Joseph Edosomwan Extension Iyekoba Estate/Iriajen Avenue, off Goodwill Ekenwan
133. Asphalt Pavement/Kerbs at 1st Ofunwegbe Street, New Benin/Mabel Erewa, off Etete Road, Benin City
134. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at James Imudia Way/Cesowa Avenue, off Irirhi-Iyekoba Road
135. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at James Imudia Way/Cesowa Avenue, off Irirhi-Iyekoba Road
136. Asphalt Pavement at Aiyanyor Aigbekaen Road, off Etete Road,
137. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Ukhegie Street, off I.C.E Road
138. Asphalt Pavement at Waec Computer Based Test Centre Access Roads (Arueghionmon & Iyoha) Ogunmweyin. Phase 1
139. Asphalt Pavement at Waec Computer Based Test Centre Access Roads (Arueghionmon & Iyoha) Ogunmweyin . Phase 2
140. Asphalt Pavement / Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Ohangbon/Inegbenoso/Jj Owa/Ogiemwoyi Street, off Upper Mission Extension
141. Asphalt Pavement / Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Ohangbon/Inegbenoso/Jj Owa/Ogiemwoyi Street, off Upper Mission Extension Phase 2
142. Asphalt Pavement / Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Ohangbon/Inegbenoso/Jj Owa/Ogiemwoyi Street, off Upper Mission Extension Phase 3
143. Asphalt Pavement/Kerbs at Ighodaro Drive, off Ruben Agho, off Gapiona/Chris Igiebor/Omo Street, off Ugbor Road Benin City
144. Asphalt Pavement/Kerbs at Kingsley Imasogie Street, Ebo, G.R.A, Benin City
145. Drain Construction/Ashalt Pavement at Miller Ogunwenyi Road Ugbor/Oba Ovoramwen Lane off James Watt
146. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Omoregie Omo Street/Prince Martin Iyen/Omon
147. Asphalt Pavement/ Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Brisbourne Iyamu Street, off 1st Ugbor/Wilson Obaghagie Street, off Lucky Way, Benin City
148. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Ivbiawoh Lane, Linking Ogbelaka and Omoruyi Street
149. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Iyekoba Police Station Road Linking Zakawanu Garuba Road
150. Asphalt Pavement/Kerbs at Iyekoba Police Station Road Linking Joseph Edosomwan Road/Akpofa Nwanka
151. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Obasuyi Street, off 1st Ugbor
152. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Dominion Avenue, off Honey G Road, off Air Port Road, Benin City/Isah Street Linking Upper Lawani and Upper Mission
153. Asphalt Pavement/Part Drainage Construction at Adolor Street, off Adesuwa Grammer School
154. Asphalt Pavement/Kerbs at Osamwonyi Street, off Goodwill off College Road
155. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Lucky Way Street, off M.M.Way Benin City
156. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction at Owa Street Linking Urubi Road and Wire Road, Benin City
157. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Iwehen Street/Iwehen Lane/Idahosa Lane Linking Mission Road
158. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Ero Street between Urubi and Wire Road/Osasu Asabor Street before Edsiec, off Oko Central, Benin City.
159. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Extension of Erhunmwense Street from Moat, Link to Ehiozomwangie
160. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at L. Edegbe Close off 1st Ugbor Road, Benin City.
161. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Efosa Uyi Street off Irhirhi Road, Benin City
162. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Irabor Street off Benoni Street, Benin City
163. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage Construction at Internal Access Road Network within Edo Production Centre at Magistrate Court Premises
164. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage at Internal Access Road with Car Park and Land Scaping in Edo Hotel Premises
165. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage at Internal Access Road Network within Oba Akenzuwa Cultural Centre Airport Road and Rehabilitation of Igun Street off Sakponba Road to Igbesamwan Junction Benin City
166. Asphalt Pavement/Drainage at Aragua Street off Siluko Road Linking Siluko Road Ore Oghene, Oghenosa and 1st Ivbore Street, Benin City
167. Electrification at Ugbor
168. Electrification at Ebowe
169. Electrification at Evbuekhae
170. Electrification at Evbuovuike
171. Electrification at Aganmwonyi
172. Electrification at Omoregie
173. Drainage/Asphalt overlay at Akpofa/Nwaka Road, off 2nd Ugbor
174. Asphalt Overlay/culvert at Justin Okonoboh Drive off Solomon Eghianruwa off Edosomwan Street Ugbor, Benin City
175. Drainage/Asphalt Overlay at Isiwe Street off Forestry Road
176. Drainage/Concrete Pavement at Okaeben Street, off James Watt Road, Benin City
177. Concrete/Drainage at 1st Ofunwengbe, New Benin, Benin City
178. Drainage/Asphalt Overlay at Evbuomwan/Nesta Street, off Irhinrin Benin City
179. Drainage/Asphalt Overlay at Ogene Street between Second and Third East Circular, Benin City
180. Asphalt Overlay/Kerbs at Oguola Street, off Okada Avenue
181. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction at Road beside St. Philomen Catholic Hospital
182. Asphalt Overlay /Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Ogboro Community Road, Oko Central
183. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction at Esigie Road, off Ekewan Road
184. Asphalt Overlay with Kerbs on One Side at Zakawanu Garuba Road, Iyekogba Estate
185. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Edosomwan Joseph Street/Osaruese Street Iyekogba
186. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Chief Alonge Avenue off Vincent Agenmomen Avenue, G.R.A Benin City
187. Asphalt Overlay with Kerbs on Both Sides at Redemption Drive By Winners Chapel, Sapele Road, Benin City
188. Asphalt Overlay/Kerbs at Gbadamosi Avenue off Nosa Edugie Road, Ugbor
189. Asphalt Overlay/Kerbs at Ekikhalo Edosomwan Avenue off Ugbor Road, Benin City
190. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Nosa Edugie Avenue, Ugbor
191. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction/Kerbs at Nneka Street off Ugbor Road, Benin City
192. Asphalt Overlay /Drainage Construction at Oye Street off Baba Naira and Anthony Iyamu Street
193. Drainage Construction at Cooke Road, Benin City
194. Asphalt Overlay at Cooke Road, Benin City
195. Drainage Construction at James Watt Road, Benin City
196. Asphalt Overlay at James Watt Road, Benin City
197. Asphalt Overlay at Evbiemwen Road, Benin City
198. Laterite Filling, Drain and Culvert Construction at Reuben Agho Street, Benin City
199. Asphalt Overlay at Reuben Agho Street, Benin City
200. Part Drainage and Spot Improvement at Ogbelaka Street, Benin City
201. Asphalt Overlay at 1st and 2nd Ofunwengbe Street, Benin City
202. Double Box Culvert/Trapezoidal Drain/Filling and Compaction of road section with stone base at Ugbor Road, Benin City
203. Drainage construction/Asphalt Overlay at Osaguona Street to green House
204. Drainage construction/Asphalt Overlay at Ovonramwen Street, btw Igun and Akpakpava, Benin City
205. Vegetation Control, Desalting and Cleaning at Abudu Township Roads
206. Spots Improvement/Cleaning at Maria Gorreti – Dumez Road
207. Asphalt Overlay with Kerbs at NYSC Zonal Office Road, off Edo – Osagie Road, GRA, Benin City (Asphalt overlay with Kerbs)
208. Asphalt Overlay at Miller to Ogunweyin Road, Ugbor
209. Drainage/Asphalt Overlay at Prisons – Ohuoba Street Road, off Sapele Road, Benin City
210. Drainage/Asphalt overlay at National Open University Road, off Ekenhuan Road, Benin City
211. Drainage/Laterite Filling at Horny G & Divine Street, off Airport Road, Benin City to Dominion Assembly Church
212. Asphalt overlay at Horny G & Divine Street, off Airport Road, Benin City to Dominion Assembly Church
213. Drainage/Asphalt overlay at Ovoranmwen Street, between Igun and Old Western Road Benin City
214. Drain/Asphalt overlay at Ofumwengbe Street between Iwehen and 2nd Ibiwe Road, Benin City
215. Asphalt Overlay at Igbinosa Street, off Irhinrhin, Airport Road, Benin City
216. Asphalt Overlay/Drainage Construction at Ayanyor Omoigui Street off 2nd Ugbor Road
217. Drainage/Asphalt Overlay at Unueru Street, off Sakponba
218. Asphalt Overlay at Imuetinyan Street, between St. Stephen and 3rd, Benin City
219. Asphalt Overlay at Enogie Road, off Sapele Road, Etete from chainage 715m to chainage 1430m
220. Asphalt Overlay at Enogie Road, off Sapele Road, Etete from Chainage 00m to chainage 715m
221. Upgrade Of Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium
222. Civil Service Training Center
223. Establishment Of Edogis Oredo
224. New Highcourt Building Oredo of Edogis
Gov Godwin Obaseki has done WELL and Asue Ighodalo and Osarodion Ogie Will Do BETTER and Take Us FURTHER!!!!